AI Computer Vision in Local Market

Through TVS interview, we wish to inspire our community and talents about our local in-house technology. We shared few AI computer vision related technologies and hope you enjoy the TV show.

Awareness program

Interview : Kecerdasan Buatan

We are thankful to have the opportunity and invite to share about our AI technology, it respective perspectives and applications. We hope the TV show can inspire you and have better understand on what our local talents can do. Stay tune with us and will keep you updated.

Awareness program

Highlight of Interview Session

Jun 17 2021

Inovasi Pertiwiku memaparkan inisiatif-inisiatif inovasi teknologi dan sosial yang diterajui oleh sektor awam, korporat, syarikat permula (startup), perusahaan sosial dan juga penyelidikan daripada institusi-institusi pengajian tinggi di Sarawak. Episod kelima memaparkan pembangunan industri kecerdasan buatan (artificial intelligence) yang dirintis oleh Neuon AI, sebuah syarikat pemula (startup) yang berpusat di Kuching, Sarawak. Watch full interview session by click "read more". Thanks Credit to TVS

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